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Date : 2015-04-02

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After Apollo Richard Nixon and the American Space ~ And thus after NASA was forced to get in bed with the Air Force we wound up with the Space Shuttle that flew so successfully and tragically for three decades That’s the general TV Guide summary of how we got from Apollo 11 in 1969 to STS1 in 1981 The story of course is much richer

After Apollo Richard Nixon and the American ~ Nixon was happy to bask in the positive press garnered by the successful Apollo missions but he wasnt interested in continuing the vigorous approach taken by Kennedy Nixon didnt want to be the president that ended the space program so he agreed that it needed to continue

After Apollo Richard Nixon and the American Space ~ Once the United States landed on the moon in July 1969 it was up to President Nixon to decide what to do in space after Apollo This book chronicles the decisions he made including ending space exploration and approving the space shuttle Those decisions determined the character of the US human space flight program for the next forty years

After Apollo Springer for Research Development ~ Once the United States landed on the moon in July 1969 it was up to President Nixon to decide what to do in space after Apollo This book chronicles the decisions he made including ending space exploration and approving the space shuttle Those decisions determined the character of the US human space flight program for the next forty years

John M Logsdon After Apollo Richard Nixon and the ~ The University of Chicago Press Books Division Chicago Distribution Center

After Apollo Richard Nixon and the American Space Program ~ The book After Apollo Richard Nixon and the American Space Program is by John M Logsdon the distinguished historian who wrote the best studies of Kennedy’s decision to go to the moon and who headed up George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute for many years

Epilogue Richard Nixon and the American Space Program ~ Part of the Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology book series PSHST Abstract President Richard Nixon and his associates between 1969 and 1972 made three major decisions with lasting consequences for the space program 1 The preceding chapters have chronicled the making of those decisions

The Space Review Review After Apollo ~ In After Apollo historian and space policy expert John Logsdon argues that Richard Nixon’s decisions about NASA’s future after Apollo from 1969 to 1972 including but not limited to the development of the Space Shuttle were more influential “The decisions made then have defined the program of human space flight well into the twentyfirst century” he writes

How Richard Nixon Changed NASA The Planetary Society ~ To build NASA’s postApollo program around the space shuttle without establishing a specific goal or longterm strategy the shuttle would support Professor Logsdon says that Nixon’s lasting imprint on the space program was an end to human exploration of space beyond low Earth orbit in the twentieth century and he sees the Nixon Space Doctrine and more ambitious human space exploration as incompatible

Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology ~ Once the United States landed on the moon in July 1969 it was up to President Nixon to decide what to do in space after Apollo This book chronicles the decisions he made including ending space exploration and approving the space shuttle Those decisions determined the character of the US human space flight program for the next forty years


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